I am thrilled to announce that the Getting to Know series will be sponsored by TEC Services Group in 2024. TEC Services Group is the leading technology and professional services firm in the credit collections industry offering both leading industry solutions along with unrivaled, unbiased, and experienced support. TEC is now extending its services by offering proven, industry-leading technology solutions alongside of our Professional Services to help Clients feel confident in their technology decisions. Learn more at ww.tecsg.com.
I don’t know about you, but when Geoff Meister says he is fanatically disciplined, it just makes me want to see what that really means. How disciplined does one have to be in order to be fanatically disciplined? That discipline has definitely helped Geoff rise through the ranks of the industry to the point of owning his own business. Read on to learn more about Geoff, why you will always catch him listening to podcasts, and how working at a call center helped him at school.
Name: Geoff Meister
Job Title: CEO/Co-Founder
Company: Paragon BPO LLC
Length of time at current company: 1 year
Length of time in industry: 24 years
How did you get your start in the industry?
While in college at Arizona State University, I was looking for a job that allowed a flexible schedule. I needed something that allowed me to go to school in the morning and work in the afternoon and evening. I stumbled upon a call center in Tempe, Arizona that did first-party collection work for a major auto lender. I really enjoyed it for a few reasons — all of my coworkers were students, and it provided me practical experience to the business classes I was taking in the morning.
What is your career highlight so far?
The relationships and places my career has taken me. I’ve met so many different people along the way and have developed great friendships. I cherish the experiences of the people and experiences I’ve shared with everyone. I’ve also been able to live and travel to so many places within the U.S. Throughout my career I’ve lived in five different cities and have been able to experience different cities I probably never would have visited if it hadn’t been through my work.
When or how are you most productive?
The morning. I am an early bird; most days I am up around 4am.
When or how are you most productive?
It’s hard to pinpoint just one person from everyone I’ve met. I try to take in and learn as much as I can from everyone. The stories that always resonate with me are people’s stories of how they started their businesses. The risks, the struggles, and the obstacles they faced and overcame on their journey to success.
What is one thing you do better than everyone else?
Discipline. I am fanatically disciplined.
What do you like most about this industry?
The people and the community. I feel we’re all somewhat misunderstood, which bonds us together.
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What is one thing you wish you could change about this industry?
The perception of it. It’s a critical part of the credit cycle, yet it can sometimes get a bad rap.
If you weren’t in this industry, what would you be doing?
Probably nothing that different than what I do today, just in a different industry. Leading and guiding an organization, trying to learn, grow and get better every day. I enjoy helping others push past limitations and see what they are capable of. I’d just be doing that in another line of business.
Describe a typical work day.
I start early and enjoy the quiet of the morning. My best creative thinking, reflection and strategizing is usually done in the morning. I’ll then follow up on outstanding items from the previous day and map out my schedule for the upcoming day. Review KPI’s and prep for meetings and discussions. Midday, if my schedule permits, I’ll go for a run, it clears my mind and gives me energy for the afternoon. I spend a lot of my day in conversation on the phone, in person, or in team meetings.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Podcasts. I’m always listening to podcasts.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Focus on the journey, not the destination. You can miss all the growth and experience that are part of the journey when you’re too focused on a desired outcome. And usually when you get to that destination, you’re already looking for the next one. So enjoy all those steps along the way instead of the goal.
What are you currently reading?
Rick Rubin’s “The Creative Act: A Way of Being“. I always thought of Rick Rubin as the music producer, but I was introduced to him through a couple of podcasts and he was deeper and more philosophical than I would have guessed.
What is one fact you’d like everyone in the industry to know about you?
I’m always open to giving and helping others. If it’s a problem or just having someone to bounce an idea off of, I like helping and being of service to other people.
Who else would you like to see answer these questions?
Mr. Cooper Warren
The Getting to Know series is sponsored by TEC Services Group. TEC Services Group is the leading technology and professional services firm in the credit collections industry offering both leading industry solutions along with unrivaled, unbiased, and experienced support. TEC is now extending its services by offering proven, industry-leading technology solutions alongside of our Professional Services to help Clients feel confident in their technology decisions. Learn more at ww.tecsg.com.