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Truecaller Rolls Out Major Update for iPhone, Enhancing Spam and Scam Blocking

Truecaller, a leading global communications platform, has announced a significant update for iPhone users, bringing its full range of spam and scam blocking features to Apple's mobile operating system. With the new update, Truecaller now offers real-time caller identification, bringing iPhone users in line with their Android counterparts for the first time. The key to this advancement is Apple's Live

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Consumer Sentiment Declines as Economic Outlook Dims, But More Consumers Excited to Pay Down Debt

Consumers are turning increasingly pessimistic about the state and future of the economy and are making adjustments, like pulling back on making big purchases. One silver lining for the credit and collection industry is that it appears consumers are going to be more focused on paying down their debt levels, according to data released yesterday by WalletHub. The WalletHub Economic

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Assessing the Legacy of the Biden Administration on the Credit and Collection Industry

A new era has begun in Washington, D.C., with the inauguration of President Trump, who replaced President Joe Biden. A new president and a new Congress provides a good opportunity to look back on the past four years and assess the legacy and impact of the Biden administration on the credit and collection industry. AccountsRecovery asked a number of industry

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Truecaller Rolls Out Major Update for iPhone, Enhancing Spam and Scam Blocking

Truecaller, a leading global communications platform, has announced a significant update for

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Consumer Sentiment Declines as Economic Outlook Dims, But More Consumers Excited to Pay Down Debt

Consumers are turning increasingly pessimistic about the state and future of the

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Assessing the Legacy of the Biden Administration on the Credit and Collection Industry

A new era has begun in Washington, D.C., with the inauguration of

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22 Companies Seeking Collection Talent

During this, The Great Resignation Era, I thought it would be helpful

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David Williams Breaks Down Acquisition of RGS Financial

Having kicked the tires at about a dozen different companies during the past few years in considering acquisition targets, David Williams of Williams & Fudge knew he needed to find the right company to help grow his operation. And, as it turns out, the right target was one he had known for more than a decade. Last month, Williams & Fudge announced it was acquiring RGS Financial. David Williams, the president of Williams & Fudge, sat down with to discuss the acquisition, why diversification away from student loans was important for the company, and the importance of really getting to know the people involved on the other side of the table when making an acquisition. Watch the video to see everything David had to say.

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