Adrian Abramovich is described as the robocall “king” and has been fined $120 million by the Federal Communications Commission for making more than 100 million robocalls.
WIRED Magazine gives Abramovich the deep-dive treatment, going into detail about how he was caught and giving him a chance to share his side of the story.
People didn’t know his side of the story, Abramovich protested, but they had already decided that he was the bad guy. Abramovich told me that his lawyer had advised him not to talk to anyone, and he wavered as we spoke, alternating between brash defiance and victimhood. The case was now in the hands of the local US attorney, who was responsible for collecting the FCC’s judgment. The prosecutor hadn’t filed a complaint yet, but Abramovich, who has denied any intent to defraud customers, was planning to defend himself in court and then plead down to a lesser settlement based on his inability to pay the full fine. No matter what amount the settlement reached, though, he still felt wronged. “People don’t want to know,” he told me. “They don’t care.” Then he asked me to leave.
It was only after tracking calls and documents to Mexico and sending cease-and-desist letters to call centers in an attempt to get them to stop making calls did one of the companies offer up Abramovich’s name as the man behind the explosion in call volumes, according to the article. The investigation started when the wife of TripAdvisor’s general counsel had received a robocall selling credits for the travel service; credits that did not exist. From that one phone call, a lawyer from TripAdvisor and federal authorities were able to find Abramovich and stop his calling empire.