East Wenatchee, WA, August 29, 2018: Applied Innovation retained Ontario Systems’ Compliance Consulting team to perform a Gap & Risk Assessment of our PayStream & GreenLight products. They looked at the relevant portions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA), the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA), and Unfair, Deceptive, Abusive Acts and Practices (UDAAP). Each area was evaluated and scored for risk and then areas of risk were remediated. We are proud to announce the following results
“We are pleased to report, Applied Innovation achieved the highest Ontario Systems compliance risk category designation of: Low – Product supports a strong compliance management system. No material changes to current policies or procedures required to ensure maximum compliance with consumer protection laws.”
About Applied Innovation Inc.: Applied Innovation offers solutions designed to increase the bottom line of receivables management organizations. Our client and consumer facing software solutions allow you to take control of your business processes through automation and increased efficiencies. Accelerate sales and receivables while reducing expenses with online data access, communication, reporting, and payment portals.
About Ontario Systems LLC: Ontario Systems is a leading provider of enterprise revenue cycle management software to the healthcare, accounts receivable management, and government markets. Established in 1980 and headquartered in Muncie, Ind., Ontario Systems offers a full portfolio of leading software platforms, including Artiva RM™, Artiva HCx™, Contact Savvy®, and RevQ®. Ontario Systems’ industry-leading customers include 5 of the 15 largest hospital networks who actively manage over $40 billion in receivables collectively, as well as 8 of the 10 largest ARM companies and more than a hundred federal, state and municipal government clients in the U.S.