Suit Accuses Creditor, Collector of Not Honoring Settlement Agreement
- The relationship between a collection operation and the creditor to whom the debt is owed can be tricky and sometimes, the transition of accounts between the two is not always seamless. A plaintiff has filed suit against both a collection agency and the creditor, accusing them of violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the state law in Florida by refusing to honor an agreement set up by the plaintiff’s debt settlement representative and the collection agency.
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Judge Grants MSJ for Defense in FDCPA Case Over Unitemized Debts in Letter
- A District Court judge in Kentucky has granted a defendant’s motion for summary judgment in a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case, ruling the collection letter that was sent to the plaintiff did not misrepresent that eight different debts had been aggregated into one, mainly because the plaintiff was provided with an itemized breakdown of the debts when she disputed them.
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Debt Collection Bill Advances in Massachusetts Senate
- A debt collection bill advanced out of committee in the Massachusetts Senate yesterday and is expected to be voted on by the full Senate later this week that seeks to make the collection process more “fair.”
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RCM Firm Settles Data Breach Class Action for $7M
- A revenue cycle management company has agreed to a $7 million settlement in a class action lawsuit that it faced after one of its employees inadvertently uploaded and exposed the personal information of 136,000 individuals on the public-facing portion of GitHub for more than a year.
- More details here
WORTH NOTING: The benefits of cold therapy might not be as robust as people claim, according to a new study … Three questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering if it’s time to sell your home … Tips to help you give a presentation like a pro … Some insights to help you if you are playing tonight’s Mega Millions lottery … Trader Joe’s just increased the price of a banana for the first time in 20 years … If you want to live longer, you may want to start avoiding the five P’s … Are you part of the club that doesn’t go to bed until after midnight? … A hospice nurse answers questions and debunks myths about dying.
Trailer Tuesday, part I
Trailer Tuesday, part II
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