Getting to Know Syntheia Nagel of Cedar Financial
- A long-time running joke in the ARM industry is that compliance departments only know how to say “no.” Syntheia Nagel is out to dispel that myth. Nagel has clearly succeeded at that as the chief compliance officer at Cedar Financial, which has established itself as a digital collections innovator. Read on to learn more about Syntheia, why roses feature so prominently in the picture she submitted, and why she doesn’t have any guilty pleasures.
- More details here
Judge Grants Default Judgment for Plaintiff in FDCPA Case After Defendant Abandons Settlement
- This is one of those rulings where there it seems like there is a lot of backstory that isn’t being told. A District Court judge in Texas has granted a plaintiff’s motion for default judgment in a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case against a collection agency — 18 months after the parties had reached a settlement on the case. It appears as though that’s the point where the defendant stopped responding to the proceedings and the defendant’s attorney withdrew from the case.
- More details here.
Judge Grants MTD in FDCPA Case Over Phone Call Volume
- A District Court judge in New Jersey has ruled that placing 16 calls during a 30-day period is not enough to rise to the level of abusive or harassing behavior under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and has granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss.
- More details here.
Collection Operation to Pay $10k Fine for Operating in CT Without Proper License
- A collection operation has agreed to pay a $10,000 fine to the Connecticut Department of Banking for operating in the state without the proper license to collect.
- More details here.
Collections Industry Increasing Communications Channels, Diversifying Areas of Business
- While nearly all (98%) third-party collections companies use letters to reach consumers, just 40% have adopted text or SMS messaging to consumers — compared to 37% that were using text in 2022.
- Learn more here.
WORTH NOTING: An interior design expert shares tips about how to decorate for the holiday season … All the bad ways that winter weather can wreak havoc on your house … A lot of people are working overtime this holiday season so they can afford to buy gifts … It’s never too early to start training your brain to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions … There’s lucky, and then there is winning two $1 million lotteries on the same night lucky … McDonald’s is going to head-to-head against Starbucks … A psychologist shares five reasons why marriages tend to fall apart … Getting to the bottom of why bridges and overpasses freeze before roads.
Top 10 Thursday, part I
Top 10 Thursday, part II
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