Since I’m not above admitting that there are a lot of resources available to help people in the industry stay on top of important legal developments, I wanted to point out that the National Consumer Law Center has published a reference guide to all 25 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act cases that were decided at the Appeals Court or Supreme Court levels in 2019.
It is with a tinge of regret and jealousy that I commend April Kuenhoff for her work in summarizing all of the appellate cases that dealt with FDCPA claims.
The summaries of each case are succinct and fact-based and do not include any opinion or judgment about whether the decision was good or bad for consumers or the industry.
Each summary includes a link to the appellate court’s ruling. The rulings are group by section, such as “Validation Notices,” “Consumer’s Attorney Fees,” “Class Actions,” “Bona Fide Error Defense,” “Res Judicata,” “Standing,” “Individual Liability for Corporate Actions,” “FDCPA Relationship to Bankruptcy Code,” “Improper Information Found on Envelope Sent by Debt Collector,” “Misleading or Deceptive Communications,” “Collection of an Unauthorized Amount,” and “Collection of a Debt Barred by the Statute of Limitations.”