The Debt Collection Forum (, A Forum for Debt Collectors, By Debt Collectors is now open for registration. The DCF will take place in Chicago, IL April 3rd – 5th at the #1 ranked hotel in Chicago, the Trump International Hotel and Tower. The DCF provides exceptional content at an affordable price-point ($495 Early Bird and $595 after 1/1/2019) to allow organizations to send multiple attendees and engage in active participation. At DCF 2019 attendees will get engaged, get inspired, and get empowered. This event is intended for credit and collection professionals who are: Senior Level Executives, Front Line Collection Managers, Compliance Professionals, Trainers, and Front-Line Collectors.
The Debt Collection Forum was created to provide debt collection professionals with a foundation of direction, insight, and actionable solutions that can be applied regardless of the size of an organization. Join us at Debt Collection Forum 2019 as we assemble an expert team of operations, and training professionals that will deep dive into real world solutions for today’s real-world debt collection issues.
Here is what you can expect:
- Solution driven sessions not sponsor driven sessions
- Substance from “In the Trenches” experts who live it, breathe it, work it…every day
- Learn operational, compliance, and training strategies that have proven results
- Understand how to efficiently and effectively manage YOUR resources
- Apply state of the art technology solutions
We look forward to seeing you all April 3rd – 5th, 2019 in Chicago. Remember, tickets are on sale now and if you register by 12/31/2018 you will save $100 off the price of admission.
For more info visit the official website at or contact Nick Jarman at [email protected]