In an email to their clients on Tuesday, VoApps DirectDrop Voicemail announced that they are donating 1 million voicemail deliveries to schools, organizations, agencies, aid workers or anyone in need of getting out important information about the coronavirus situation. The email asked their clients to spread the offer to any organizations that could use their service now or in the upcoming weeks.
When reached for comment, VoApps President Todd Santa Maria said, “We’re really just trying to spread the word so that people that need it know about it. We figured our technology is perfectly equipped to help disseminate information right now because of how fast it can send a lot of messages. When you need as many people as possible to receive specific information, why not send voicemails along with the emails and the texts to give yourself the best shot of the message landing? We’ve got the capacity right now, and if we can help them deal with fewer frantic inbound calls or replace a ton of outbound calls they have to make, they’ll have more time to do their real job.”
What if the need exceeds 1 million messages? “Well, we’d be happy to have that problem, and we’ll solve it when we get there. Maybe take up a donation to help cover some of our costs. it depends on how many over 1 million, I suppose. I have no idea. Just looking to help keep people safe and healthy so our country can get past this.”
If you know an organization that could use DirectDrop Voicemail, this is the site where they can get the information: