The individual working in the White House who earns the most money is the director of communications from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who is acting as a senior advisor to Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s acting chief of staff.
John Czwartacki was detailed to the White House from the CFPB in January, a month after Mulvaney left his post as Acting Director of the agency. Czwartacki joined the CFPB in December 2017, a month after Mulvaney was named Acting Director of the agency. See a trend here?
Czwartacki is earning $239,595, which is $36,000 more than Mulvaney and about $56,000 more than the highest-paid White House staffers. The pay scale at federal regulators is often higher because the government figures it has to pay more to attract individuals with the skills and background necessary to perform the jobs for which they are being hired. At the CFPB, the pay scale for senior staffers can range between $181,000 and $259,500.
While a normal detail lasts about six months, there are no plans for Czwartacki to return to the CFPB, according to a published report.
A spokesperson for the CFPB said the White House is reimbursing the agency for Czwartacki’s salary. Prior to joining the CFPB, Czwartacki worked at the Office of Management & Budget with Mulvaney.