Like most people in the collection industry, Bob Duenkel did not grow up wanting to be a collector. But thanks to a friendly referral, he has made it his home for the past 35 years. Duenkel, who is usually in the office while most people are still sleeping soundly in bed, has fallen in love with helping consumers and working through their complaints. Read on to learn more about Bob and why he’s never likely very far away from a coffee mug.
Name: Bob Duenkel
Company: Williams & Fudge, Inc.
Length of time at current company: 19 years
Length of time in industry: 35 years
How did you get your start in the industry?
I was referred by friend.
What is your career highlight so far?
Creating the Compliance Department.
When or how are you most productive?
I strive to be productive throughout the day, being available to assist in whatever capacity I am needed.
What is one thing you do better than everyone else?
Complaint resolution.
What do you like most about this industry?
Helping consumers.
What is one thing you wish you could change about this industry?
That consumers would seek to allow us to work with them instead of seeking assistance through other means.
If you weren’t in this industry, what would you be doing?
Describe a typical work day.
My day starts at 4:00 and I arrive at work at 5:30-6:00 and hit the ground running.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Coffee, (lots and lots of coffee).
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
To listen before speaking.
What are you currently reading?
What is one fact you’d like everyone in the industry to know about you?
I love the collection industry.