The Daily Digest is sponsored by TCN, a leading provider of cloud-based call center technology for enterprises, contact centers, BPOs, and collection agencies worldwide.
- In most cases, individuals who agree to participate in this feature share a corporate headshot. There are the occasional dalliances, but rarely does someone send in something candid. Mark Neeb is that rare someone. The photo he sent in was from a trip to The Masters, which is a pilgrimage every golfer dreams of taking. Mark completes the cycle by admitting in his answers below that golf is, indeed, his guilty pleasure. Read on to learn more about Mark, including the interesting way he got his start in the business and how he managed to turn this into a PG-13 profile with one word.
- Pat Morris, the CEO of ACA International, is leaving the collections industry to run the Association for Corporate Growth. ACG is a trade group that aims to drive middle-market growth. He will join ACG in December. There was no immediate word of a replacement at ACA International. Morris spent more than six years running the group.
- There is $2 million in unpaid ambulance charges waiting to be collected on behalf of Clay County, Kentucky. The county would send a bill to the individual and then a letter threatening that the unpaid balance would be turned over to a collection agency, but then wouldn’t actually forward the account. An audit uncovered the unpaid debts.
X’s AND O’s
- It can always be helpful to know what kind of information that individuals are receiving from mainstream media when it comes to paying their debts and interacting with debt collectors. If I were being glib, I’d equate it to Sun Tzu’s famous quote, “Know thy enemy,” but consumers are not the enemy of debt collectors. However, to steal another quote: “Knowledge is power.” And knowing the moves your opponent is likely to make only helps you craft a better strategy.
WORTH NOTING: Anytime that Corey Feldman says he is receiving death threats, it’s a law that you have to link to it … Good news: Our cholesterol levels are dropping … President Trump slammed Hillary Clinton yesterday for her role in helping fund research that attempted to smear him … The National Archives will release tens of thousands of documents related to the assassination of president John F. Kennedy today … Not sure about you, but this is going to make my kids’ day … This takes me back to my childhood … Eight Excel shortcuts to make you a spreadsheet speed demon … This seems really cool and really not cool at the same time … New home sales are soaring to their highest level in a decade … More than half of white Americans feel discriminated against, according to a new poll … The most famous celebrity from every state.
What 100 calories of Halloween candy looks like
Workout like Tony Robbins
The Daily Digest is sponsored by TCN, a leading provider of cloud-based call center technology for enterprises, contact centers, BPOs, and collection agencies worldwide.