Dave Cherner has been involved on most sides of the ARM industry during his career. Having spent time working at ACA International, a collection agency, and now in the creditors’ remedies and bankruptcy practice group at a law firm, Cherner has a unique perspective on compliance and risk mitigation. That perspective is what makes him a highly sought-after resource for industry professionals looking for insights and guidance. Read on to learn more about Cherner and why you shouldn’t judge him for going to the movies by himself.
Name: Dave Cherner
Company: Moss & Barnett
Length of time at current company: Just over four months
Length of time in industry: 7+ years. In between that time, I spent two years as the compliance director for one of the largest appraisal management companies in the country.
How did you get your start in the industry?
After moving back home to Minnesota after law school, and passing the bar, I applied for a compliance attorney job at ACA International which is headquartered in my hometown of Edina, Minnesota. I interviewed, and was offered the job the next day.
What is your career highlight so far?
Direct engagement with regulators on various proposals over the years has been an extremely challenging, but rewarding experience.
Which industry profession do you admire most?
What is one thing you do better than everyone else?
I can’t say that I do any one thing better than everyone else. I have always tried to get as much perspective on an issue before making a recommendation or choosing which door to open, and to be respectful throughout the process.
When or how are you most productive?
In the morning, after three cups of coffee.
What do you like most about this industry?
The relationships between the professionals in the industry.
What is one thing you wish you could change about this industry?
Continued advocacy unification. We have a number of important industry groups and associations supporting advocacy efforts at federal, state, and local levels, but it is sometimes fragmented, inconsistent, and creates more complications to effectively messaging our positions. Having diverse groups is a good thing, but I think it is critical in the current political environment that there by more coalition building both within and outside of the ARM industry.
If you weren’t in this industry, what would you be doing?
Government affairs
Describe a typical work day.
As with most legal professionals, coffee, conference calls, research and drafting, presentation prep, more coffee, lunch, repeat the morning (including the coffee)
What is your guilty pleasure?
Going to the movies, by myself. (I have young kids)
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
One word. Confidence.
What are you currently reading?
Goodnight Moon, Paw Patrol, Curious George, Blaze, Ninjago … every night … every single night (did I already mention I have young kids?)
What is one fact you’d like everyone in the industry to know about you?
I am first-generation American; both of my parents are from the former Soviet Union.
Who else would you like to see answer these questions?
Wendy Badger, CCO at ECMC