Plaintiffs lawyers have come out swinging the TCPA bat in 2016, filing more lawsuits alleging violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act than the FDCPA or FCRA, according to data released by WebRecon.
The number of TCPA lawsuits filed in January was 25% higher than the total filed in December 2015 and nearly 40% higher than January of 2015. The number of FDCPA lawsuit was down on both a month-over-month and year-over-year basis. The number of FCRA lawsuits was up compared with last January, but lower than the total filed in December.
The number of complaints filed against debt collectors with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was also lower, compared to the month earlier as well as the same month a year ago.
Just about one-third of all plaintiffs who filed a lawsuit in January had previously filed suit alleging violations of the FCRA, FDCPA, or TCPA, according to WebRecon.
In total, 831 collection agencies were sued and CFPB complaints were filed against 748 different firms.
More statistics are available here.